UPDATE: WE ADOPTED A BABY!!! Look ►► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXFLSUyWGt4 SUBSCRIBE! ►► http://bit.ly/SubMF ***Click SHOW MORE*** The Independent Adoption Center has since shut down, after 35 years in business. If you'd like to help support our adoption with a donation, just click "Support This Channel" on our channel page: https://www.youtube.com/mediocrefilms THANK YOU for your help! :-D Kim & Greg MORE PRANKS! ►► http://bit.ly/MFpranks *NEW* PERISCOPE: mediocrefilms FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/mediocrefilms INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/gregbenson TWITTER: http://twitter.com/mediocrefilms MAIN CHANNEL: http://youtube.com/MediocreFilms 2nd CHANNEL: http://youtube.com/mediocrefilms2 GOOGLE+: http://gplus.to/gcb MERCH: http://mediocrefilms.spreadshirt.com